Cat Hairballs: What You Should Know

A person cleans up after a cat hairball.

From across the room, you hear gagging and retching sounds. Unfortunately, what comes next is your cat hacking up a hairball and you scurrying to clean up the mess. As a cat owner, this is a regular albeit unpleasant scenario. While hairballs can be gross, they are a common result of your cat’s grooming routine. Hairballs are harmless most of the time, although occasionally they can signal a bigger cat health problem.


For All 9 Lives, Focus on Long-Term Cat Wellness

cat wellnessCats just don’t embrace travel the way most dogs do. In fact, for a cat who values territory and routine above all else, any time spent in a vehicle of any kind can be profoundly upsetting. And yet, a cat’s disinclination to leave home is only one contributing factor that results in fewer veterinary visits.

Another reason, of course, centers on the fact that cats are naturally quiet about illness or injury. As a means of self-preservation, this method inevitably leads to less attention when, really, addressing troublesome symptoms is what’s needed to maintain cat wellness. So, between an anxious, travel-hating cat and one who hides illness, what is a dedicated cat owner to do?

Nip Problems in the Bud

We understand the predicament very well. With a little training, coaxing, and positive reinforcement, your cat can adapt to crate-time and traveling away from the comforts of home. The benefits that stem from your commitment to routinely scheduled wellness exams multiply as the years go by.
